Invitation to Tender for the Provision of Debt and Money Advice Services - AWARD
Cherwell District council wishes to re-tender for the provision of Debt and Money Advice across the whole of the Cherwell District Council. The business case for voluntary sector agencies to deliver debt and money advice is very strong: •Members of the public are more likely to ask an organisation who they know and trust for advice than a statutory service •Voluntary agencies are able to attract additional funding through charitable trusts, fundraising etc to enhance a service •Trained Volunteers working alongside paid staff enhance service provision and add value ~ often the value of volunteer hours over a year can equate to thousands of pounds 'in kind'. •Specifically for advice, The 'Case for Advice' (advice Services Alliance) has previously detailed the huge savings in relation to community cohesion, health and wellbeing, economic benefits and social inclusion and improving public services. The Council is keen to ensure adequate funding for Debt and Money advice in spite of the continued pressure on budgets and is seeking the following key outcomes from its proposed model provision. •Consistency across the district in the quality of advice and scope of advice •Strong multi-agency links and information sharing protocols •Strengthened business continuity through staff and volunteers being able to work across locations should issues arise with absence and/or recruitment The Contract will be for a 2 year period with the option to extend by a further 1 year at the sole discretion of the Council. The total value available is for £252,089 per year which covers all 3 lots. further information can be found within the Tender Documentation.
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Tender Awarded :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors