Invitation to Tender for the Provision of Research Consultancy Services identify, map and assess the sources of support that are available to third sector organisations in Wales to assist them with building their organisational and financial resilience.
The Big Lottery Fund (the Fund) is seeking to appoint an experienced research consultant to identify, map and assess the sources of support that are available to third sector organisations in Wales to assist them with building their organisational and financial resilience. The research will be managed directly by the Fund's Wales Directorate and conducted between w/c 5th November 2018 and the 28th February 2019. The Fund intends to use this research to provide it with the means to signpost applicants and grant holders to potential sources of support with their organisational and financial resilience. It will also be shared with our stakeholders, principally other funders, third sector infrastructure bodies and Welsh Government, to inform the wider debate about the sustainability of third sector organisations in Wales. The objectives of this research are to: -Identify and document services offered by organisations to the third sector in Wales that can support them to become organisationally and financially resilient -identify services at a Wales, UK and local level that can help third sector organisations in Wales to become more financially and organisationally resilient -identify and/or develop case studies that highlight the positive impacts that these services have -document evidence of the impact and effectiveness of these services where it exists.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
73210000 - Research consultancy services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors