Invitation to Tender- Memorial Park Play Area
Memorial Park is a new recreation ground being constructed by Sonning Common Parish Council. Sonning Common Parish Council would like to create a 'destination' play area at Memorial Park with inclusive equipment which caters for children of all abilities and needs. We are seeking an experienced company to manage, design and install the project. Sonning Common currently owns three play areas (located at Lea Road, Churchill Crescent and Baskerville Road). The new play area should provide different equipment and play opportunities to that already on offer and improve on our inclusive play provision. The supplier will need to have proven and demonstrated experience in similar projects and a wide-ranging skill base to achieve the various elements of the contract. They will work closely with Sonning Common Parish Council and user groups in the construction of the play area, health and safety management and defect diagnosis and rectification. The supplier must be able to demonstrate an excellent Health and Safety record; accordingly, suppliers who cannot demonstrate an excellent record, free from enforcement action will not be considered. We are inviting companies to propose design concepts and costings for this new play area, in accordance with the detailed brief attached. Submissions must include two hard copies of the tender submission and 4x A1 design boards, with supporting costings for the supply and installation of equipment and playground surface by 12 noon on Friday 10th September 2021. Please also provide a company background including your Health and Safety record, evidence of public liability insurance and employer's liability insurance and any standard terms and conditions. All pricing will be valid for 12 months from the due date of the response. Prices will be fixed and firm for the duration of the contract once awarded, and it is the client's responsibility to check all rates and costs are accurate. The figures agreed at the time of the contract will be final. All tenders must be signed by a company director and/or the named sole trader or partnership, dated and returned in a sealed envelope marked 'Private and Confidential- Memorial Park Play Area' to the above address by post, courier or hand delivered. Any tenders delivered by hand must be signed as received by the Parish Clerk or Deputy Clerks. In addition, please also supply an electronic copy of the submission to, subject line 'Private and confidential Memorial Park Play Area Tender'.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
92000000 - Recreational, cultural and sporting services
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
Name :
Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors