Invitation to Tender — Provision of Day Care Services in the Borough of Stockport.
Stockport Council are looking to Commission a Framework for the Provision of Day Care Services in the Borough of Stockport. Stockport Council wishes to establish a framework agreement in order to provide a wide range of Day Services to people with varying support needs within the borough of Stockport. In line with the Care Act (2014) Stockport Council is keen to shape the market for care and support to ensure diversity of provision which is sustainable, person centred, innovative and asset based in approach.We are keen to work with new and existing providers who are committed to continuous improvement who can evidence performance against an agreed outcomes framework and demonstrate quality and high levels of service user satisfaction.Our vision is the development of a market that prevents, where possible, people needing long term support and provides real choice to those who require services. We want to enable the development of a community that benefits from equity of choice and promotes the right to live as independently as possible in a way that meets needs and aspirations.As a local authority we are committed to the integration of health and social care services through the ‘Stockport Together’ programme between Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group, Stockport NHS Foundation Trust, Stockport Council and Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust. Within the Stockport Together programme there are four key themes — Prevention, Proactive, Planned and Urgent Care.As part of the Proactive Care Programme the development of integrated, multi-disciplinary neighbourhood health and social care teams has been a key priority. Day Services are a positive example of both proactive care and preventative support offered within a community setting.This procurement links to broader Adult Social Care commissioning priorities in relation to prevention and well-being. Stockport Council's Preventative Commissioning Strategy is seeking to transform the way that preventative services are designed and delivered, within the context of rising demand and a challenging financial environment. Adult Social Care currently provides funding to support 531 people to access 17 providers of Day Services across the borough.These are run by the Council, independent organisations, community or voluntary groups. Day Service provision is available to adults aged 18 and over who meet the national eligibility criteria for care and support. Day Services represent a positive option for service users and their carers. They are preventative in nature, in the respect that they support people to remain in their own home for as long as possible.They also provide opportunities for increased social interaction and therefore reduce social isolation which research has shown is a serious issue for many older and disabled people who often experience poor health and well-being as a result.Carers often experience significant pressure in their caring roles and Day Services represent a valuable form of respite care, enabling the carer to enjoy some time to themselves with the peace of mind that their loved one is being well cared for.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
92000000 - Recreational, cultural and sporting services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors