Invitation to tender - Regenerating conifer control - RSPB Forsinard Flows
Removal of non-native regenerating trees and saplings using Chainsaw, Clearing saw and Hand tools. The work involves the removal of non-native regenerating conifer trees and saplings. This work will enhance the conditions of the area promoting a healthy blanket bog habitat. A detailed map is included (FN_Regen_2023) and a wider location map (Forsinain_Site_Location_map). The site (47.45 ha) has been assessed and requires a combination of chainsaws/clearing saws, hand tools and hand pulling to complete the work. Sitka spruce and lodgepole pine tree regeneration and regrowth will be cut using clearing saws and chainsaws if the diameter of the tree is more than 120mm. Smaller trees can be cut and removed either by hand pulling or, if unable to safely pull manually, cut with loppers. All trees to be cut at the base below the lowest branch whorl (this might be buried in the moss layer), leaving no branches with green foliage on the stump. The cleared material will be left to waste at the location it was felled, cut or pulled. It is important to remove the much less obvious ‘saplings’ as it is the more obvious ‘trees’. These saplings can be as small as around 3cm, so care must be taken to scan/check areas thoroughly. RSPB staff will be looking for a minimum of 90% clearance of saplings to sign off the work. This work is to be completed before 31/12/2023.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45111220 - Scrub-removal work
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors