Invitation to Tender - Remote Clinical Monitoring
The availability of a highly reliable, effective, secure, integrated RCM platform is essential to the clinical and operational working practices throughout the organisation. A key aim of the digital strategy is "to drive the highest standards of digital maturity so we can provide a work-place that enables our staff to deliver the safest and best possible care to our population and improve health outcomes throughout the communities we serve." Adoption of an RCM platform for clinical services will support this vision and enable teams to deliver efficient, safe, high quality care; helping people access services easily and manage their own health and wellbe-ing; improving wider population health; improving the working environment for our workforce. The Trust are keen to explore what providers can offer in relation to RCM that meets the criteria set out in the specification with a particular focus on the ability for patients/carers to share short video clips which can be remotely reviewed by clinicians. Furthermore, a platform that can in-tegrate with the Trust EPR. All the relevant information is included on Pro Contract/Proactis
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
33195000 - Patient-monitoring system
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors