Invitation to Tender - St Helens Chamber - Mobile Phones
Specification - St Helens Chamber is seeking a provider to supply mobile phone connections and data connections. We are content to have pricing from any of the big four networks. We currently use bundled minutes and data and find this works well for us as it is easy to budget for and keep track of. However we are content to be offered a solution based on both bundled minutes and data, or pay as we use. Our current provision is provided by Vodafone. Our current contract includes 68 voice and 48 data connections, unlimited minutes / texts and a data pool of 100GB. We find this is a good fit for our current use and on an average month use approx 80GB of our data pool. We require 70 mobile phone connections all requiring voice and data. We also require 50 data only connections for our fleet of IPad's. Note these numbers may be subject to change at the point of signing the contract. Please base pricing on 70/50. A flexible billing platform is essential - we would like to be able to view information such as, how much data we are using and how many minutes people are using. It must be easy to swap names assigned to numbers and set up general usage alerts etc. We also require flexibility on the contract to be able to add and remove connections when necessary. After the tenders have been submitted and scored, we may invite shortlisted tenderers in for a presentation stage. Term of Appointment The service provider will be appointed initially for a term of 2 years commencing Friday 1st of November 2019. Subject to satisfactory annual performance approved by the IT Manager, there is the possibility of being reappointed for a further 2 year term.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
32250000 - Mobile telephones
Status :
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Tender Progress :
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Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors