Invitation to Tender_Social Prescribing and Self-Care resource hosting
The Healthy London Partnership (HLP) is a collaborative of the 32 Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) in London and NHS England (London region). HLP has 13 programmes of work which collectively contribute to delivery of NHS England's Five Year Forward View articulated within the new models of care that emerge from the five Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs) and Local Digital Roadmaps across London. HLP's Personalisation and Self-Care Programme has worked with a range of stakeholders across London to produce resources to support NHS commissioners, in the first instance, to develop social prescribing and self- care in their areas. An example of a resource we want to see in open source format is available here: Due to the continuing development of the concepts, practice and emerging evidence of social prescribing and self-care, the resources will provide ongoing value if hosted in a wiki format which an online community can contribute to and update. Lot A: Wiki hosting Description HLP seeks a supplier who will host a wiki for social prescribing and self-care which will foster contributions and the sharing of knowledge, resources and experience to the benefit of all Londoners and to support the delivery of ambitions set out within London's STPs. Lot B: Content moderation Description HLP seeks an organisation to moderate content submitted to the social prescribing and self-care wiki prior to its publication. The organisation should provide regular reports to HLP regarding the amount and type of moderation carried out within a defined period.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors