Invitiation to tender for public realm improvements at Booker Green
The aim is to enhance Booker Green. The area is located at the end of Shore Road and belongs to East Wittering & Bracklesham Parish Council. Landscaping, public realm and wayfinding are a priority in this location and need to celebrate the surfing culture associated with the beach. The following approaches and costs are to be included within the proposal: •Design and costs for improved landscaping and public realm at Booker Green reflecting a pebbled beach garden. oDesigns and materials must allow ease for of access by all and require minimum maintenance. oTo be achieved using gravel, decking, beach style planting and other materials as appropriate oIntended materials and third party suppliers of large items/quantities (eg seating; planters; gravel; other) to be stated and costed in the fee proposal •Planters and trees to soften the area. •Better seating to replace the existing unattractive mix of concrete and wooden benches. •Consider garden and picnic areas •Consider seating areas •Relocate 16 existing memorial dedications to an alternative area that might be seating (eg long stone benches similar to Eastgate in Chichester) or might be a stand-alone area. This will need to accommodate an extra 300 memorial plaques to allow more requests for dedications to be accommodated (the dimensions of each plaque is approx. 15 x 8 cms) •Costs for managing the project
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45112723 - Landscaping work for playgrounds
45112700 - Landscaping work
45112710 - Landscaping work for green areas
45112711 - Landscaping work for parks
Status :
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Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors