In-work Support Service - Therapist Framework
RCS are currently inviting tenders from therapy providers to join a Multi Supplier Framework to deliver therapy services across Denbighshire, Conwy, Gwynedd and Anglesey. The framework will be used solely by RCS in the delivery of the In-work support project which is funded through European Social Funding.The project delivered by RCS is profiled to see 2532 individuals over a 3 year period with a maximum overall contract value of 759,600GBP. Once on the framework the suppliers will be used on an ‘as and when needed’ basis to deliver services to our clients. Case Coordinators will use their knowledge of suppliers’ specialisms, geographical considerations and the client to identify what they feel as the best ‘match’ options in identifying a suitable supplier. The client will be able to make an informed decision from the options they have been given. This process is described more particularly in the Framework Agreement, but providers should be aware that the choice of service users as to which provider to use will be weighted heavily given that this is such an important service to them.BackgroundThe Fit for Work Service (FFWS) was proposed following Dame Carol Black’s 2008 review of the health of Britain’s working age population. The service was to offer support for people in the early stages of sickness absence, particularly for employers working in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Dame Carol’s proposal was for a case-managed, multi-disciplinary and holistic early intervention service, providing tailored support for people in the early stages of sickness absence. This support might include advice about housing or debt management, or might address specific clinical needs through a range of therapies including physiotherapy and counselling.In 2010, RCS led a bid with its partners Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board and Public Health Wales to be included in a national programme of piloting the FFWS. The programme was sponsored jointly by the Department of Health and the Department for Work and Pensions as part of the Government’s Health, Work and Wellbeing programme. Eleven pilot sites in the UK were established to test whether the Fit for Work approach would help to facilitate an early return to work for employees in the early stages of sickness absence. In the second year, seven of the original eleven pilot sites were invited to participate in the continuation of the pilot until March 2013. Rhyl was included as one of these seven sites.In 2013, RCS secured continuation funding for Fit for Work North Wales from the European Social Fund through WEFO. The project delivery ran until March 2015.In late 2014 the UK Government launched a national advice and assessment service called Fit for Work, aimed at employees of small to medium businesses who are off sick or expected to be off sick for 4 weeks. GPs and employers can refer into the service and employees can access occupational health professional advice and assessments around issues preventing them from returning to work.The Department for Health & Social Services applied for European Social Funds to deliver a project in north Wales EU ‘Convergence’ area. The project would be able to receive clients signposted from Fit for Work who have been assessed to require therapeutic, work-focused interventions to help them return to work. RCS is a proposed joint beneficiary who will deliver the project.RCS works on the idea that our partners can deliver more if they combine and align their efforts behind shared priorities, and are given more freedom to try out new ideas and to tailor services in response to local need. This project encourages innovation and fresh new approaches. RCS bring a strong delivery record over the last four years of Fit for Work and seek to continue to build on this with the new project.The project is aimed at supporting employees with mild to moderate work limiting health conditions, who are off sick, to return to work and retaining employees with work limiting health problems in work.Tender ApproachThe majority of referrals to the project are likely to be due to musculoskeletal or mental health problems, and provision may include:-physiotherapy, chiropractory and osteopathy-evidence-based psychological and occupational therapies including CBTapproaches and counselling-chiropody / podiatry-condition management-‘Mindfulness’ and group-based approaches-support for drug and alcohol / substance misuse problems-coaching, mentoring, motivational interviewing, pain and stress management, and condition self-managementThe key objective of this procurement process is to secure high quality and effective therapy services, which offer RCS value for money and added value in the services. In order to do this, the service will take the form of a single lot, multi supplier framework agreement covering all therapeutic interventions to be delivered to the client group.The service required will include:-Delivery of therapeutic services to aid recovery of musculoskeletal issues to individuals.-Delivery of therapeutic services to aid recovery of mental health issues to individuals.-Delivery of condition management sessions to groups who may be suffering from musculoskeletal issues.-Delivery of group information / mind-set sessions to groups who may be suffering from mental health problems.-Delivery of therapeutic services to aid recovery of drug and alcohol problems (substance misuse) to individuals.-Delivery of group information to groups who may be suffering from drug and alcohol problems (substance misuse).The process will be conducted under the Light Touch Regime and will be conducted via the e-tender Wales portal. ( new in work support service delivers throughout Denbighshire, Conwy, Gwynedd and Anglesey, from two main offices in Rhyl and Bangor with access to other premises throughout the location.It will be able to offer Case Coordinator support, referrals to other key organisations for assistance and offer access to therapy sessions to treat the clients work limiting health condition up to a maximum of six sessions.It will complement the UK Government Fit for Work advice and assessment service by being able to support absentee clients who come through the service and are identified as needing additional support from our case managed service. Our programme can also support presentees, those in work and struggling due to a work limiting health condition, and self-employed people.*Please note, RCS are awaiting a final decision on an ESF funding agreement. Any work carried out towards this should be undertaken at the providers own risk and no recompense can be sought from RCS or Welsh Government.Absentees will be determined as:Employees who have been absent from work or are expected to be absent from work for 4 weeks, who have been signposted from the Fit for Work service (following referral by their GP or Employer) and have received a Return to Work Plan.Presentees will be determined as:Employees or self-employed people who remain in work but are struggling with a work limiting health condition and are at risk of going on sick leave, who have been referred directly into the new service by either self, GP or employer referral.Eligibility will primarily be determined by whether the client is employed and whether they work or live in the geographical area the project covers.NOTE: The authority is using eTenderwales to carry out this procurement process. To obtain further information record your interest on Sell2Wales at
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
98330000 - Physical well-being services
85142100 - Physiotherapy services
85312300 - Guidance and counselling services
85170000 - Acupuncture and chiropractor services
85312320 - Counselling services
85312500 - Rehabilitation services
Status :
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TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Website :
Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors