IP Landscaping Services
UKAEA seeks to appoint a single provider of patent searching and IP landscaping services ("the Supplier") in the field of fusion energy. We will establish a single supplier framework; the framework will run from January 2023 to 31st March 2024. The anticipated contract value of the term is £180,000 excluding vat, however there is no commitment to spend up to this amount. Tasks will require IP Landscaping to understand the patenting activities and existing protection into which UKAEA technology prospects under consideration are entering. Where technology decisions are already made the UKAEA IP team can provide a view on infringement risk. But where different technology options are still being assessed, UKAEA requires help to understand these areas through a series of IP Landscapes. Tasks will require IP Analysis to understand the infringement risk to which technology options already undergoing feasibility studies expose UKAEA.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors