IPP Through Network Journey Model
Network Rail and the Transport Systems Catapult (TSC) are seeking innovative solutions from UK based businesses which could help understand and improve passenger journeys through the rail network. The project, led by the TSC, is seeking to build live demonstrators of innovative technologies which could improve understanding of passenger flow through stations, facilitate a smoother flow of trains and improve the customer experience. The call follows market research by the TSC on behalf of Network rail which identified key areas where innovative UK businesses can contribute to capabilities detailed in Network Rail's Rail Technical Strategy. The two areas of focus identified were: 1.System Wide modeling to understand the flow of both passengers at stations and on trains through the rail network as one complete system. 2.Using new and existing data sources to predict passenger flow throughout a station and improve operational performance. Key to the project is engagement with the public procurement regulation Innovation Partnership procedure which will support staged development of innovative solutions through feasibility studies, product development, demonstration and eventually widespread deployment across the rail network. This means innovative businesses with high growth potential have a unique opportunity to develop products for large scale implementation with Network Rail. For Network Rail this means they can explore new ideas and technologies which could have huge benefits for the travelling public in a low risk and cost-effective manner. This process has been issued by Transport Systems Catapult (TSC), on behalf of Network Rail (NR), as part of a competitive procurement exercise in accordance with the Innovation Partnership Procedure (IPP) for tendering under section 31 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (as amended from time to time). Following the successful production of a Proof of Concept Prototype (Stage 4B) of the proposed solution for TSC, NR may enter into a contract with the successful provider to implement their solution across its network or any part of it.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors