IR Laser System for generating tuneable wavelength of light between 1.5 – 3.5 µm
The DIAL team are looking to procure a new and upgraded IR laser system to replace their aging unit. The pump laser will be a seeded flashlamp pumped laser with pulse duration of 9 ns and line width 0.003 cm-1, it will be capable of simultaneously emit the fundamental and second harmonic at a repetition rate of 20 Hz. The pulse energy in the IR should be around 700 mJ and 400 mJ in the green.The system needs to be capable of outputting a total wavelength range between 1.5 – 3.5 µm. Obtaining the tuneability utilising a dye laser and a two-stage non-linear mixing component. The system should be designed in such a way that the wavelength can be switched between two wavelengths at a frequency of greater than (or equal to) 5 Hz. Any wavelength drift must be minimal and easily corrected by a competent operator. The system should be fully integrated, and installed subject to a site acceptance test at NPL’s facility. NPL expect the system to be maintained by the supplier on an ad hoc basis and serviced by the supplier annually.
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1 Possible Competitors