IRIS Programme Delivery and Support
IRIS is a collaboration between primary care and third sector organisations specialising in DVA. Core areas of the programme include ongoing training, education and consultancy for the clinical team and administrative staff, care pathways for primary health care practitioners and an enhanced referral pathway to specialist domestic violence services for patients with experience of DVA. The IRIS programme is an evidence-based, effective and cost-effective intervention to improve the primary care response to DVA and is nationally recognised. IRIS improves the General Practice response to DVA and essentially improves the safety, quality of life and wellbeing of survivors of DVA. Domestic violence and above (DVA) has been identified as a major public health problem with substantial health consequences and enormous costs to the NHS. IRIS is a general practice-based DVA programme providing training, support and appropriate referral options to practices. IRIS is a national strategy aiming on raising the profile of domestic violence and abuse (DVA) within local communities and aims to provide GP's and Practice staff with the training and awareness to identify victims and families involved in DVA. It enables staff to be able to raise the issues of DVA and offer options for support and referral to the appropriate services for timely intervention and prevention of violence and abuse. The project will fund training provision for practices which supports them to respond, refer and record DVA and provides access to DVA Advocates who are a point of contact for the GP practice and support victims and perpetrators. All 62 practices within Cardiff and Vale will complete initial training by the end of March 2020. From April 2020 there is a requirement to provide refresher training. Refresher training is delivered every 2-3 years. Pre and post evaluation of the service is provided by BAWSO and Cardiff Women’s Aid. Four practices within Cardiff were selected to participate in the IRIS Plus training. IRIS Plus provides support for male victims and children. This training was delivered in June and September 2019. IRIS meets Welsh Government ‘Ask and Act’ policy of targeted enquiry to be practised across the public service for violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence.
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CPV Codes
80510000 - Specialist training services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors