IRM21/7572 - Remanufacture, Repair and Maintenance of TN54 & TN15 Transmissions, Final Drives and Associated Assemblies
This notice has been published to meet transparency requirements and is not a request for expressions of interest. Therefore please do not apply to be invited to tender. Babcock Land Defence Limited acting as the UK Ministry of Defence's agent, awarded a single source contract with David Brown Santasalo UK Limited for the Remanufacture and whole assembly Repair of TN54E/ ETS Transmissions, repair of TN15E/E+ Transmissions, all associated assemblies and final drives. It is considered that this contract can be placed using the negotiated procedure without prior publication pursuant to Regulation 16(1)(a)(ii) of the Defence and Security Public Contracts Regulations 2011 for technical reasons. David Brown Santasalo UK Limited are the only supplier with the specific know-how of the TN54E/ETS & TN15E/E+ Transmissions to be able to provide the equipment support services required by the UK Ministry of Defence. David Brown Santasalo UK Limited are the proprietary owner of the design for the TN54E/ETS & TN15E/E+ transmissions and hold the related design information and technical specifications, data and knowledge. Without access to such design information and technical specification, data and knowledge, the UK Ministry of Defence is not in a position to be able to identify the exact technical requirements which are required to ensure the safety and suitability of the repairs and that the interoperability of the transmissions with the platform is not compromised. Neither the design information and technical specification, data and knowledge are available from any other supplier. The framework agreement has a duration of 5 years with the potential of two x one-year options subject to requirement and satisfactory performance.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors