Is there evidence of inequality among lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender groups in the UK?
The purpose of this research is to identify and critically assess evidence of relative disadvantage and inequality faced by LGB&T people. The research should highlight differences among LGB&T groups and between LGB&T groups and other relevant comparators in key policy areas. This will help us to develop policy to remove barriers to LGB&T equality. The key objectives of this research are to: •critically review and synthesise evidence on discrimination, disadvantage and inequality among and between different LGB&T groups and comparators groups (with particular focus on evidence from 2008 onwards); •effectively integrate evidence from 2008 with the findings from the EHRC’s sexual orientation research review, EHRC’s trans research review and the Scottish government to produce an assessment about the current research to produce a well-structured, robust and coherent report on evidence of inequality among lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender groups in the UK; •systematically identify and map evidence gaps by LGB&T group and policy area.
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CPV Codes
34113100 - Jeeps
34115000 - Other passenger cars
34100000 - Motor vehicles
34130000 - Motor vehicles for the transport of goods
34113300 - Off-road vehicles
34115200 - Motor vehicles for the transport of fewer than 10 persons
34110000 - Passenger cars
34131000 - Pick-ups
34113000 - 4-wheel-drive vehicles
34113200 - All-terrain vehicles
Tender Lot Details
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