Isle of Wight CDC plus Construction of Fracture Clinic
IOW Trust ran a design and build competition for the construction of the new CDC building in February 2023 and appointed a contractor (Mountjoy Construction Limited) in May 2023. The Trust now proposes to extend the scope of the Agreement to include the refurbishment of the adjacent building as the Fracture Clinic for the reasons stated below and also allows working efficiencies and economies of scale by appointing one sole Supplier to effectuate the building works required by the Trust.An existing NHS P22 contract which was to include the refurbishment of Stroke Ward as the Fracture Clinic will be terminated early because of a failure in June 2023 to agree a suitable new target cost with the P22 Contractor.The IOW intend to enter into a contract for the construction of a new building to include an existing contract using a negotiated procedure without prior publication with the existing provider of works for a new CDC building.The proposed new build CDC and the existing Stroke Ward which is to undergo a major refurbishment as a Fracture Clinic are physically connected, are to be undertaken simultaneously, share a common entrance, reception and waiting area which The Trust believes should be undertaken by the existing provider. There are considerable engineering crossovers between the two areas and the available spaces for plant and services routes in the existing building constrain the locations of major plant equipment which must be located in areas to be build under the CDC contract. The Fracture Clinic and CDC are complimentary outpatient health services and cannot operate independently of each other so must also open their doors to the public at the same time.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45210000 - Building construction work
45215100 - Construction work for buildings relating to health
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors