IT Consultancy Support
Minerva Learning Trust are looking to appoint an IT Consultant Partner who can advise and implement phase 3 of the Trusts Digital Strategy. PHASE 3: DELIVER THE CHANGE At this stage work will commence to translate the plans into action. We will work with internal colleagues and external suppliers to deliver the 5-year plan. This phase will include. Commission expert support to help to lead on the delivery of the project Awarding supplier contracts to support delivery and implementation Procurement and tendering for equipment and technology Ongoing project monitoring, reporting, and reviewing Ongoing training and developing to support change Ongoing phased replacement programme As detailed previously this is a huge commitment and investment and consequently will include many sub-projects in pursuit of the end goal. Scope The scope of works are as follows: - Objective 1 Single Tenancy Advise and implementation of a migration to a single O365 tenancy Objective 2 Infrastructure review and replacement Advise and implementation of an infrastructure replacement programme Objective 3 Support Service Provide a 3rd line support package for the Trust IT team
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors