IT Software to Support the Management of Unplanned Disruption on Scotland’s Rail Network
IT software and services which support the management of train services during times of unplanned disruption on Scotland’s rail network. It is a critical system in supporting daily operations. A summary of the core functionality of the system is as follows: - The ability to generate and update line of route disruption messages and distribute these messages to a pre-defined list of recipients -The ability to view route disruption incidents being experienced by other rail operators on Scotland’s rail network -The ability to configure the system to automatically identify all stations and journeys affected by an incident which causes unplanned disruption - The ability to automatically update 3rd party rail industry systems and journey planners to reflect changes to services as a consequence of unplanned disruption - A mobile app for the use of frontline staff which will provide real-time advice of disruption incidents; frontline staff will have the ability to filter notifications specific to their business area - A customer facing real-time view of how ScotRail train services are performing; customers will have the ability to receive alerts when services are disrupted on the line of route which they use
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
48100000 - Industry specific software package
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors