ITQ 25 (Local Bus)
Vehicles and drivers are required to transport clients to various locations in the East of Cheshiree and surrounding areas. Detailed information of routes,days of operation, whether wheelchair accessible vehicles are required and whether pasenger assistants as well as drivers are required , will be detailed in the tender document on The Chest website. Transport Servoice Solutions (TSS herein), gives no guarantee or warranty or makes any representation as to the accuracy of any indicative volumes or as to he value of the work during the contract period. Possible variations to the lots - Should this happen, updated information will be provided via The Chest website. TSS may excercise an option to extend the contract for a further period or periods of up to a maximum 24 months in the case of an ITQ or to a maximum contract length of seven years in the case of a full tender phase. The successful operator (s) will need to complete the contract documention prior to the contract start date and therefore may be required to travel to our office in Crewe to complete the fore-mentioned paperwork. A copy of the current terms and conditions will be available with the tender documentation on The Chest website. TSS reserves the right not to award any of the listed lots. Transport Service Solutions (TSS) is a wholly owned company of Cheshire East Council and assumes all rights, obligations and liabilities previously assumed by Cheshire East Borough Council Transport. Please note thaat all tenders must complete the tender schedule via The Chest website at if you wish your bid to be considered for any of the lots/work. Please read the instructions to suppliers prior to submitting a tender. Please ensure you complete the sheet with your Name, Address,Telephone Number and Daily Prices along with any comments against the lots(s) you are bidding for, leaving any lots that you are not interetsed in blank. Once you have completed the spreadsheet,please save naming the document with your business name, and then upload the complted document to The Chest website via the response wizard.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
60000000 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
Name :
Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors