The current system in use at DFRS since 2004 for the HR, Learning and Development data has been managed to enable us to provide information across the organisation with the use of over 100 workflows and transferring information across the infrastructure to support other systems. The HR System is considered the 'heart' of the employee information which passes through to essential software systems in use around the organisation for mobilising, risk reduction, payroll and reporting to name but a few. Further details can be found in Appendix 4. The current supplier for the DFRS HR system provided notice in December 2017 that no further developments or investments would be made into the HR system in use. The supplier has since announced that support for the product will be discontinued from April 2022. As a result of this understanding of the product nearing the end of life, DFRS instigated a project to undertake the feasibility study of how we would replace the HR System and ensure that we look to the market for the best fit solution.
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1 Possible Competitors