ITT Hydraulic system
Minesto is developing a 500kW tidal power plant in form of a “flying” kite tethered to the sea floor. Visit for more information.There are three different types of actuators on the kite; a pitch actuator, two rudder actuators and two buoyancy actuators. A decision has been taken to use hydraulics to handle the large forces, which especially the pitch actuator is exposed to.In order to validate the functionality of a hydraulic system with regards to speed, accuracy and response times etc., a power pack test rig is needed in an initial stage. The test rig will be used to integrate Minestos control system in an early stage together with the actuators (cylinders).For the kite prototype, a power pack sub-system that fits in the kite’s nacelle is needed.To summarize, Minesto is looking for a supplier that can provide:1.A test rig power pack2.A kite power pack3.Cylinders for the kite4.Cylinders for the test rig power pack5.Support after systems have been delivered
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
73300000 - Design and execution of research and development
42131100 - Valves defined by function
42131390 - Assemblies of valves
42120000 - Pumps and compressors
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors