ITT - Phased Roll Out of Tide (Together in Dementia Everyday) in Liverpool & Manchester
The Life Story Network (LSN) is a Community Interest Company based in Liverpool that works throughout England. We recognise that in order to improve the lives of people living with dementia, it is also vital to support those family members and friends that provide their care. You are invited to tender to provide research services and support to help the LSN set up and implement a robust evaluation process to monitor and report on the effectiveness and impact of the phased roll out of tide - together in dementia every day across the City Region of Liverpool and Manchester, which has been funded by the Big Lottery. The detailed research services and support are as set out in the Specification contained in Schedule 1. Background to tide Created by carers for carers as a legacy from The Dementia Action Alliance's Carers' Call to Action campaign, tide (Together in Dementia Every Day) is a national involvement network for carers and former carers of people with dementia. tide is hosted by LSN. Using lived experience, tide enables a diverse range of carers to have a powerful collective voice, which raises awareness of their unique needs and rights, ensuring that these influence practice, policy and research at all levels. A core principle of tide is how we value, respect and support carers and former carers. Working together with carers, tide provides a powerful network to bring them together under a common cause and build a social movement with the power to influence local, regional, national and international policy, aid research and influence the way in which local services and support are designed, commissioned and provided.
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1 Possible Competitors