Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Sector Programme (KESP) 2.
KESP was initially designed as a 4-year programme (June 2012-October 2016) with an overall budget of 203 500 000 GBP. The programme has recently received an extension to July 2020 with an additional budget of 79 700 000 GBP which brings the total value of KESP to 283 300 000 GBP.The programme has 3 key components which include:1) Sector budget support to the GoKP to support delivery of the new five year Education Sector Plan (2015-2020). Disbursements are made against a Joint Review Framework which has been agreed by the GoKP and sector budget support donors (DFID, Australia and the European Union).2) Technical assistance to the GoKP to support delivery of the Education Sector Plan and achieve the Joint Review Framework.3) School infrastructure. The service provider or consortium will be required to Provide comprehensive, flexible and high quality technical support to the GoKP to deliver the ESP, the underpinning JRF and their priorities for transforming education service delivery in KP. Improve and enhance capacity and transfer useful knowledge, skills and practices to E&SED to build their capacity and improve the quality of education services and delivery. Support and influence policy change and work towards ensuring forms are institutionalized and therefore sustainable. As a minimum suppliers will be expected to Ensure a good mix of international and local staff with a strong track record of working on education reform in Pakistan together with an understanding of the KP political, cultural context and challenges. Support and work under the guidance of E&SED and DFID to ensure the effective delivery of education sector reforms in KP. This will include constructive challenge when necessary and proposing alternative ways of delivery. Ensure that TA is embedded within and working closely with E&SED, providing support to them and associated departments/institutions to enable on the job learning for relevant government counterparts. The TA team will need to be predominately based in Peshawar and prepared to work in all districts of KP. The contract is scheduled to commence in July 2016 and will run for a period of 4 years. A further extension of up to 2 years may be granted subject to resources and need.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
75211200 - Foreign economic-aid-related services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors