Kirklees CCG Autism and ADHD Assessment Waiting List Service
NHS Kirklees CCG (KCCG) is seeking to commission additional interim capacity experienced in carrying out multi-agency Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and ADHD assessments and child developmental needs for those on the children's waiting list held by South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. This capacity must include qualified and experienced professionals who adhere to good practice and NICE guidelines. We are looking for capacity to commence the additional service in June 2021. This is due to the implications of delivering services within a hospital setting due to the ongoing COVID situation and ongoing increase in the demand for assessments, resulting in the increase in waiting times for this cohort. There are circa 325 children on the children's waiting list. Consequently, KCCG would like to support children, parents/carers and families by commissioning additional capacity commencing from 1 June 2021- 31 May 2022. Requirements The service will: •Be in contact with families of children with the longest wait times to offer them an 'opt-in' option to have their child's assessment via another provider. •Be provided from Kirklees and wider community venues in line with COVID-19 regulations. •Ensure appropriate patient data is shared with the provider (in accordance with data protection) to enable a seamless transition from the Trust waiting list to the interim provider. This will be shared once the opt-in approval has been received by the child's parent/carer. The Provider(s) will ensure; •Appropriate Clinical oversight is provided for the service. •The venue meets required safety, quality, infection, prevention and control standards and is child friendly. •Staff providing the services are suitably qualified (in accordance to NICE Guidance) and competent and that appropriate arrangements are in place for maintaining and updating relevant skills and knowledge for supervision. •All premises and equipment used for the provision of service are at all times suitable for the delivery of those services and sufficient to meet the needs of children. Process: Based on the above KCCG is keen to receive expressions of interest from suitably qualified potential bidders.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors