Kirklees Intervention and Support Service (KISS) (KMCAS-118)
Kirklees Council (the contracting authority) has posted a PIN, used as a call for competition, in the Official Journal of the European Union seeking expressions of interest from economic operators with the relevant experience and ability to work with us, at risk, to co-design, develop and deliver the Kirklees Intervention and Support Service ("KISS") (the "Service"). The Service will be developed through a social impact bond ("SIB") via collaboration with an investment partner. It is expected that the investment partner will work with the contracting authority to co-design and develop the intervention and support service, to improve outcomes and life chances for vulnerable people which will then reduce the likelihood of their future need to access costly crisis interventions. Due to the anticipated value of the Service, the Contract will be awarded by a process akin to the competitive procedure with negotiation without further publication of a call for competition. The total estimated outcome payments of the Contract are up to a maximum of £22m GBP over the life of the contract. This project is being co-funded by the Life Chances Fund and amounts include their top up contribution. There will be a requirement that the terms and conditions of the Life Chances Fund Award are met. Payment for outcomes will be paid using rate cards, and an indicative rate card has been included in the tender documentation. The duration of the contract will be up to 60 months, with all outcome payments being drawn down by 30th September 2024. The contract will commence in April 2019 and expire on 31st March 2024. The exact dates will be determined in line with the LCF award and will be finalised in the later stages of this procurement exercise. The strategic and operational drivers for developing the Service include: • improving preventative services and outcomes for some of our most vulnerable and chaotic residents, to move towards more hopeful, healthy, socially connected and economically active lives; • reducing the use of costly crisis intervention services across the public sector (in housing, social care, criminal justice, welfare and health), releasing resources to deliver cost effective preventative services; • to drive innovation and test new ways of commissioning services by collaborating with investment and third sector partners - benefitting from our collective expertise, challenge and shared resources - to investigate and evidence using a SIB approach; and • to provide a more holistic, inclusive service that removes inefficiencies, duplications, artificial competition and gaps in addressing need in the legacy housing support that KISS will replace is described below. Interested economic operators must express their interest in this opportunity by downloading the documentation and submitting their expression of interest ("EOI") via the YORtender portal, using the Selection Questionnaire ("SQ") document, by the deadline of 13:00hrs on Monday 12 November 2018
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
Status :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
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Designation :
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Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors