Label-Free Live Cell Imaging System_COMPARE
We invite tenders for a state of the art Label-free live cell imaging system for the School of Life Sciences, University of Nottingham. Research Grade imager (for label-free and fluorescence detection). An imaging system to be supplied capable of label-free/ phase contrast and fluorescence imaging with a range of objectives from 2.5x to 20x with 40x desirable. LED light source for the capture of fluorescence around DAPI/FITC/Texas red wavelengths. Suitable stage adapters should be supplied to accommodate 35mm diameter dishes, 8-well and 96-well plates. The system should be have capability for full environmental control to enable long term live cell imaging at multiple positions. Service and training. The system to be covered by full service contract for a period of minimum 5 years (preferably 10 years) from installation. Full training to be supplied on all aspects of the system. Price to include delivery, installation and commissioning of the system in Nottingham. Software. We also require licences for 3 off-line workstations with analysis software EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST CLOSE: 14 October 2016 To EXPRESS INTEREST: Please first register on the eTendering system then Login and go to Tenders. Find the project scroll down to View Details and then scroll down to the Express Interest` button at the foot on the right hand side. NOTE: To make sure you receive our email notifications. to ensure our emails reach your inbox please add our email domain to your safe senders list and check your spam filter settings.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors