LA2055C - Request for Tenders under Open Procedure for the Supply, Delivery, Installation & Commissioning of a Process Mass Spectrometer. For Munster Technological University (MTU)
Tenders are sought for the Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of a Process Mass Spectrometer System for Munster Technological University, Kerry South Campus (Tralee). The system which will be used as a fermentation gas analysis system is required for the following:1.To measure composition of fermentation process gas streams quickly enabling improved fermentation process control through faster data acquisition. The hardware should consist of: A temperature controlled ion source, inlet probe assembly, Thoria filaments, scanning magnetic sector (scanning 0-1 Tesla) analyzer, Faraday detector, turbo pump and floor mounted rotary vacuum pump. 2.High precision and accuracy is required for fermentation feedback control with smallchanges in gas stream composition reliably monitored in cooperation with SCADA software . 3.A Multi-stream inlet system is required of this instrument so that effective sample line connection is possible to both laboratory fermenters ( 1 litre and 5 litre borosilicate glass bioreactors) and pilot plant fermentors. (Batch and Fed-Batch Mode mainly used)4.Essential fermentation parameters to be monitored using this system include levels of O2, CO2 in fermenter exhaust, O2 Utilisation Rate (OUR), CO2 Production Rate (CPR) and RQ values. The respiratory quotient value RQ (OUR/CPR) is to be used in improving alcohol yields. 5.Direct ethanol measurement required in addition to other alcohols and flavour compounds. Sampler heated up to 80 deg C, digital sample flow meter and microcapillary and Ion chamber treatment for other measurements.6.Laptop with Computer software provided so that SCADA monitoring and downloading to excel and other packages is possible.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
38433100 - Mass spectrometer
38000000 - Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses)
38433000 - Spectrometers
38433210 - Emission spectrometer
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors