LA1975C - Supply and Delivery of a High-End Vector Signal Generator for the Microelectronic Circuits Centre Ireland (MCCI), Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork
Tenders are sought for the supply and delivery of a High-End Vector Signal Generator. It is desirable that a nominated Tyndall engineer install the instrument and that tenderer provide all the associated tools to carry out the installation and commissioning successfully for the High-End Vector Signal Generator. As part of this application, we are proposing to purchase a High-End Vector Signal Generator, to extend and enhance the existing test capability that exists within the group to have best in class capability and equipment. This equipment is applicable for both precision time and voltage testing, especially in testing high performance Data Converters and RF chipsets. This will enable the testing and generation of:•Complex modulated signals up to 44 GHz.•Supply for multiple modulation techniques. •Support for both I and Q paths.•Ultra-low phase noise to enable best in class capability.The requirement is to be able to generate signals up 40 GHz and beyond for both 5G and 6G communication.It is essential to be able to support the following standards:•CDMA2000.•GSM/EDGE.•3GPP DFDD/HSPA/HSPA+.•LTE•Achieve better than 500MSample memory depth.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Tender Awarded :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
32324310 - Satellite antennas
34999100 - Signal generators
38000000 - Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses)
34999000 - Signal generators, aerial signal splitters and electroplating machines
31100000 - Electric motors, generators and transformers
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
Status :
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Tender Progress :
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Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors