Lambeth Footways: Survey and Scheme Suggestions
The London Borough of Lambeth requests quotations for five items: 1.a footway condition survey 2.asset inventory collection 3.third-party apparatus inventory collection 4.footway scheme suggestions 5.footway lifecycle model Please provide pricing information for each separate item and a total price for all of the combined items. The selection criterion is 100% price. Specification - Item 1 - Footway Condition Survey •Network length of 315 km (x 2 for both footways) •Five condition grades •Compatibility with Symology Insight Module Dictionary Codes (Desirable) •Access to an online imagery viewer •An online GIS mapping system •Information on: osurface material types, including kerbs owidths ofootway defects - See table 1.1 Table 1.1 Type of material -Footway Defects Bitumen Macadam- Major Cracking Bitumen Macadam - Major Fretting Bitumen Macadam- Material Loss Bitumen Macadam- Severe Settlement Bitumen Macadam- Exposed Roots Bitumen Macadam- Trips Blocks- Major Depression Blocks- Trips Concrete- Major Cracking Concrete- Major Scaling Concrete- Severe Settlement Concrete- Trips Grass Verge- Exposed Roots Grass Verge- Major Depression Grass Verge- Muddy patches Grass Verge- Trips Granite Setts- Major Depression Granite Setts- Trips Modular Paving (including tactile)- Cracked and depressed Modular Paving (including tactile)- Depressed Modular Paving (including tactile)- Trips Natural Stone Paving- Cracked and depressed Natural Stone Paving- Depressed Natural Stone Paving- Trips Pre-cast Concrete Paving- Cracked and depressed Pre-cast Concrete Paving- Depressed Pre-cast Concrete Paving- Trips Kerbs- Chipped Kerbs- Misalignment Specification - Item 2 - Asset Inventory Collection •Asset inventory data: ounilluminated sign posts ounilluminated bollards obenches ocycle stands and hoops oguard rails ovehicular crossovers opedestrian dropped kerbs ofootway markings Specification - Item 3 - Third-Party Apparatus Inventory Collection •Third Party Apparatus outility covers and chambers outility cabinets otelegraph posts omasts Specification - Item 4 - Professional Service -Scheme Suggestions •Professional Service - Provide a ranked list of scheme suggestions, which are based on: Condition Data odefect types ocondition thresholds Client Requirements oroad classification (data provided by client) olocal amenities (data provided by client) oreactive repairs (data provided by client) ominimum scheme size ospace between triggers Specification - Item 5 - Professional Service -Lifecycle Model •Professional Service - Provide a footway lifecycle model to demonstrate the consequences of different investment scenarios upon deterioration levels. The winning bidder must complete a Supplier Self-certification Form. Both parties will have to sign a Services Contract.
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CPV Codes
71311220 - Highways engineering services
71311210 - Highways consultancy services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors