Lambeth Nursing Home APMS
SEL CCG (Lambeth borough team) has made a decision to centralise its commissioning arrangements for its current 10 Nursing Homes under one new Provider. This is being taken forward as it will support the new PCN DES Enhanced Service requirements and the delivery of the Local Enhanced Service (LES)., In light of the proposal to integrate commissioning arrangements with one GP contract provider, the revised LES spec has been incorporated into the GP contract to enable integrated service provision., The proposal is to award a new Lambeth APMS Nursing Home Contract to the Lambeth GP Federation (Lambeth Healthcare Ltd). The contract will be a 2-year contract with a 1-year option to extend., There are several drivers for this change which have influenced the decision:, •Several local practices currently delivering care within Nursing Homes have informed the CCG that they wish to serve notice on their contracts, •Mounting cost pressures of delivering the service due to patients' needs within the Nursing Homes increasing., •Alignment with models of delivery being implemented in other SEL CCG Boroughs (Bromley and Southwark), •Subject to patient choice, it will enable residents to register with the same practice, which will be clinically and organisationally responsible for providing high quality and integrated local and core primary medical services., This will create a new GP practice initially responsible for all care for patients resident in Lambeth’s 10 Nursing Homes. In this way clinical responsibility is brought together, much greater resilience and innovation is possible than presently, and the model will be better suited to the vision of integrated care set out in the Enhanced Health in Care Homes Framework and the priorities of the Lambeth Neighbourhood & Wellbeing Delivery Alliance (NWDA)., Initially the service will focus on unified registrations and care for residents in Lambeth’s 10 Nursing Homes – Laurels, Limetree, Windmill Lodge, St Mary’s, Havelock Court, Collingwood Court, Fairlie House, St Peter’s, Uplands and British Homes., The current proposed annual value of the APMS contract is anticipated to be £608,959 (£269,467 based on total CQC bed registrations and the current LES value of £339,492).
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CPV Codes
85121100 - General-practitioner services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors