Lancaster Canal Quarter: Nelson Street - Sustainable Housing Developer Partner
Regeneration of the Canal Quarter area is critical to enhancing Lancaster’s role as a sub-regional centre and boosting its housing, commercial, cultural and leisure offer. Over the next 10 years it is envisaged that key “gap” sites and dereliction within the 6.5 ha wider site envelope will be addressed, and development progressed for a mix of uses that will complement the existing town centre and provide for balanced place-making. Lancaster City Council is seeking to appoint a preferred housing developer partner to assist in delivering its housing regeneration ambitions for a city council owned site designated for early release within the Lancaster Canal Quarter regeneration area. The council is seeking bids from housing developers (and their associates) or consortium (with identified lead organisation) to promote and develop an early phase market housing scheme. it is expected that development will achieve the highest possible degree of energy efficiency and provide an exemplar in terms of sustainable build and achievement of carbon reduction targets The council has been awarded Brownfield Land Release Fund (BLFR) money for the site, the aim of which is to unlock new homes on derelict and underused brownfield land through the One Public Estate programme. The money will help the council to bring forward plans for this early phase housing site which would see new homes delivered to the council’s exacting environmental standards.
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45000000 - Construction work
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors