Lancaster University - Bailrigg House Refurbishment Works
Bailrigg House is a substantial Grade II listed building on the University campus, comprising 3 floors (Ground, First & Second) and cellars. This scheme of works carries out limited refurbishment works, to provide decant office facilities for up to 100 staff. Intended works include:- •Limited external repairs (roof repairs and period metal/timber window repairs and replacements). •Replacement gas fired central heating boilers. •Replacement of, and alterations to, hot and cold water services. •Replacement electrical wiring, including alarm systems. •Upgrading of existing toilet and kitchen facilities, and installation of additional toilet facilities. •Localised demolition and reconfiguration of sections of internal walls. •Formation of a small number of structural openings between adjoining rooms. •Installation of fire strategy works (compartmentisation/improvement of escape routes/provision of protected areas) to suit increased occupancy. The works will be subject to Listed Building Consent, and will be suited to contractors who can demonstrate previous experience of similar works. Mobilisation on site is planned for 17.05.19, with a construction completion date of 30.08.19. Intended tender method: Traditional. Open tender requiring fixed lump sum on the basis of RIBA Stage 4 design information, utilising a JCT 2016 form of contract with Lancaster University's Special Conditions. The location of the site is Bailrigg Campus, Lancaster, LA1 4YW. documents/maps/campus-map.pdf The campus is a public space and so sections are open to members of the public and can be explored at their convenience unaccompanied by a University's representative. Interested organisations can explore the campus unaccompanied at their convenience but must not disrupt the University's business, or its employees or agents in any way, nor attempt to procure any individual (connected with the University or project) to provide information on, or facilitate a visit to the site on an alternative date. After release of the tender, the University will host an accompanied site visit Tuesday 5th March 2019. Bailrigg House will only be accessible on this day. It is not open to the public. Further details such as times and how to register to attend will be explained in the tender document. All procurement documents will be available free of charge via the University's e-tendering portal: In-Tend DOCUMENTS ONCE RELEASED; MUST BE ACCESSED AND SUBMISSIONS MADE VIA THIS PORTAL. Interested organisations are encouraged to register on the In-Tend system in advance so they are alerted to the release of the documents without delay. In-Tend Support: Phone: 0845 557 8079 E-mail: Web : The University is not inviting any formal response to this early opportunity notice. Please await the release of the tender.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45000000 - Construction work
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
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Designation :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors