Land Based Learning - Escape Room Activities
Escape rooms are live action games where a group or Individual player(s) are locked in a room and must gather clues and solve puzzles to escape. The rising popularity of escape rooms as entertainment and the popularity of online educational learning has led to the repurpose of escape rooms for the classroom. Research into the impact of escape rooms as educational tools is still in its early stages, though studies have shown a positive impact on content knowledge and collaboration skills. With the movement towards blended learning and increasing student engagement online, escape rooms could present an exciting new way to engage students in content material. They have the potential to support the development of content knowledge as well as soft skills which are beneficial in employment such as leadership and communication. Further websites, videos, or other interactive digital material can easily be incorporated into the various puzzles within the escape activity. Student research groups have fed back that there is a desire to have more opportunity to put theory-based learning in to practice and a keen interest in gamifications within learning. Escape activities have the potential to address both of these feedback points, as well as supporting students gaining key skills for employment. Key learning outcomes would be developed into the escape activities linked closely to the current curriculum and built with subject matter experts to ensure learning outcomes are ...ssment tool, based on an escape room design, will have a mastery approach that: Will provide familiarisation with potentially dangerous situations. Bridges the gap between theory and practical learning. Removes location as a barrier through mobile technology. Is integrated (pedagogically and technically) into the existing blended learning solutions offered. Engages both practically minded and academic learners. Stretching and challenging from an individualised starting point. Tailors content to specific job roles / vocational placements. Shows the learner where they need to improve to be work-ready. Shows the tutor where they need to target interventions to support work readiness at individual and cohort levels. Gives employers a level of confidence that employees/learners on placements are well trained. A small Steering Group will be appointed, which will include some representatives of the Landex members. Predominantly, these individuals will be specialists in the field of technology. This group will meet regularly throughout the project to monitor the technical aspects of the development. A member of the Landex Quality Enhancement Team will be invited to the Steering Group Meetings to review progress and ensure that the development is pedagogically sound. An appointed Project Manager will be responsible for the delivery of the project. They will be a current employee of Landex who has extensive experience delivering technology projects successfully.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
37524100 - Educational games
72212190 - Educational software development services
80000000 - Education and training services
48190000 - Educational software package
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors