Land Based Learning Ltd - VLE Content Development
Land Based Learning Ltd seeks a tender partner who can advance its mission to provide its subscribing members with exciting, new online learning materials. The successful tender partner(s) will be able to demonstrate a proven track record of bringing to market learning objects that enhance the digital learning experience and provide reliable, accessible teaching tools. Initial developments will require the conversion of an existing bank of content, pre-written by subject specialists and currently in PDF format, to interactive online learning materials. To enable our project to progress the successful tender partner(s) will provide a template model for co-creation of materials to incorporate subject content and the latest digital technology to develop exciting new online learning materials. This model may then be used to author and create online learning materials quickly on a regular basis. All materials developed should be compatible with a range of Moodle versions, with operability maintained to the highest standard. All materials are currently accessed using Learning Tools Interoperability, this is to be maintained unless a demonstrable advantage to the subscribing users and their learners can be demonstrated as an alternative. The key to a success partnership is for a complimentary partner offering knowledge of the latest digital learning technology to complement the research and knowledge that can be provided through the subject specialists within the Land Based Learning Ltd network to create truly compelling and exceptional learning experiences.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
80420000 - E-learning services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors