Land-Climate Research Programme
This research programme aims to build upon previous research to develop a deeper, more granular understanding of the potential for climate mitigation options in land use and agriculture, considering specific net zero targets and top-down assumptions. Using the updated evidence base, the project will aim to provide an updated assessment of the mitigation potential of land-based options, their resilience to climate change, and trade-offs with environmental variables and biodiversity. The work will deliver a set of plausible scenarios which will inform decisions around the setting of Carbon Budget 7 and future policies. This work builds on a scoping study which ran from July 2022 to March 2023 to establish the current state of evidence in this area, and gaps which need to be filled to deliver comprehensive analysis of the contribution land can make to meeting net-zero. The research will be broad ranging and include, for example, developing more spatially detailed information on land use options for climate mitigation across England and the Devolved Administrations (DAs) alongside consideration of other land use pressures. The project will feed into and complement the longer-term UKRI Land Use for Net Zero research call.
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CPV Codes
73110000 - Research services
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1 Possible Competitors