Large Scale Rocket Propulsion Test Facility Study
1) To explore the possibility of testing rocket engines >30kN here in the UK in potentially disused MOD sites which have the required qualifications and safety assurances. 2) To explore the market potential for such a range of rocket testing, including the accessibility restrictions of the other sites worldwide. 3) To understand market internationally for this kind of site and why there is a gap in the market, or what bottleneck this will alleviate. 4) To explore the possibility and benefits of the site having freeport status. 5) A detailed understanding of the sites that are being assess for use as test sites, why these sites were chosen, and any additional work required to make them suitable for rocket testing. 6) To understand current world and UK market position of testing >30kN rocket engines and why having such a site in the UK would be beneficial.
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CPV Codes
79314000 - Feasibility study
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1 Possible Competitors