LBH - Prevention Services
Section 2 of the Care Act places a statutory obligation on local authorities to provide or arrange services, facilities or resources or take other steps which it considers will: a) Contribute to preventing or delaying the development by adults in its area of need for care and support b) Contribute to preventing or delaying the development by carers in its area of need for support c) Reduce the need for care and support of adults in its area d) Reduce the need for support of carers in its area The Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) are best placed to deliver preventative services, to fill in the gaps in current provision for individuals where there are unmet needs. Currently, there are range of services procured with different providers, through 15 contracts, which cover different client groups with the aim to meet three specific outcome areas. These are: • Promote social inclusion for those who are isolated and/ or prevent people from becoming socially excluded • Develop community resilience and personal wellbeing through peer support networks • Carers supported in their caring role and to maintain a life of their own
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CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors