Leading Greater Essex
The objectives of Leading Greater Essex are to: Develop system leaders that are empowered to work together across the Essex system, beyond the boundaries of their employing organisations. Create the conditions for our leaders to begin to impact on agreed whole system challenges as identified by sponsoring partners. Facilitate mind-set change and capabilities development of individual leaders so they can act as catalyst for culture change across their organisations, teams and communities. Strengthen networks of leaders across the whole system. The purpose of this procurement is to provide the required programme through the provision of a multi-supplier Framework based on the following Lots: Lot 1 - Understanding complex systems and challenges: The foundations of Systems Theory System mapping and understanding networks Understanding complex problems from multiple levels and vantage points Multiple perspectives and ethnographic insights Creating a shared narrative / vision Lot 2 - Influencing beyond a role or organisation: System Leadership behaviours Building personal impact and influence The power of unconscious bias Securing changes through generative dialogue Lot 3 - Encouraging a mindset for innovation: Leading agile projects Co-creation and collaboration Managing uncertainty Building a learning culture Raising awareness, confidence and willingness to do things differently We are also keen to look at how we can draw on a strong bank of knowledge and experience of previous alumni. This could include: Peer to Peer informal support Webinars and sharing experience
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
80000000 - Education and training services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors