Learn and Grow Project Evaluation
We are seeking to evaluate the following of the projectProcess evaluation (interim)The first phase of the evaluation should determine whether the programme activities have been implemented as intended and also assess the progress against indicators. More specifically, it will assess:•The planning, implementation, and management of the operation teams and the associated monitoring systems used to manage and monitor operational performance.•The delivery of the operation — the suitability of the interventions offered to the needs of the participants.•The short- and medium-term outcomes of the operations and, if possible, the longer-term impacts of the operations for the participants and their employment or engagement within education (and any demographic variations in performance).•The contribution of the operations to the crosscutting themes set out by the WEFO associated with equal opportunities and gender mainstreaming, sustainable development, and tackling poverty and social exclusion.•What good practice and innovative interventions did Learning to Grow create through the operation that supported participants into work?•How effective was the relationship between Learning to Grow and stakeholders at ensuring participants were given the necessary support and operation outcomes were achieved? Did the referral process work?•Were there participant achievements/outcomes not recorded?•What were the strategic/fundamental changes made to the core delivery?•Also, what was the impact of COVID-19 on the operation?Impact evaluation (final)The impact evaluation needs to assess the projects effectiveness in reaching its ultimate goals and fully answer the following research questions:•Which interventions can be sustained after completion of the project without provision of further ESF grant or other external funding?•Will there be a gap in provision to support your participants within the region?•What was the impact of the project?•What added value was offered?•What would have happened had the Learning to Grow project not been in place?•Did the project reach its targets?•Did the project reach the CCT targets?NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
80000000 - Education and training services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors