Learning Content Managment System
The Service wishes to install a Learning Management System as part of its strategy towards implementing an online training and development system, communicating through its existing IP network and using its Intranet facilities. This will be managed through a central server which is the part of this tender.The requirement is for a Learning Management System which can deliver online SCORM compliant training materials to staff within the Fire Service network, and externally through an extranet system. The system should also provide graphical reports based on course activity, feedback and results.The students should be manageable under group permissions to allow easy assigning and delivery of coursesThe back-end database should have the ability to be queried via reporting tools such as Crystal Reports.SWF&RS are seeking tenders from suitably qualified and experienced installers of Learning Management Systems who are accredited to an approved scheme who can supply, install and maintain a system to meet this tender and functional specification.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
80420000 - E-learning services
Status :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors