Legal services provision
We are looking for experienced law firms of high standing to provide a cost effective, timely and high quality advice and service in the following areas (in order of most frequent use): Employment Law As an employer of around 320 colleagues, Audit Scotland often requires legal advice and assistance in relation to employment law and matters such as contracts, absence management, discipline, grievance, etc. and including representation at Employment Tribunals if necessary. Advice and Opinion work Advice and Opinions may be sought by auditors or those working in Performance and Best Value Audit on a wide range of issues affecting the powers and activities of audited bodies. On occasions auditors may wish simply to talk through issues informally with a legal adviser. On other occasions a formal Opinion may be sought. Such Opinions will be relied upon in public reports either to the Accounts Commission or the Scottish Parliament. Property All Audit Scotland’s offices are held on leases of varying length. Issues concerning rights and responsibilities of landlords, rent reviews and associated matters arise from time to time. At termination of tenancies there is a need for renewal or relocation. General advice General advice is often sought on the interpretation and application of Data Protection, Freedom of Information, Whistleblowing and other general legislation applicable to Scottish public authorities. Representation It is possible for the work of Audit Scotland to be subject to legal challenge. Although this has not happened in recent years, the work of the Accounts Commission gave rise to a number of significant Court of Session actions in the 1980s and early 1990s. It is possible that such cases may arise in future and appropriate representation will need to be provided or arranged.
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CPV Codes
79100000 - Legal services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors