
Leven River Parks Interpretation Masterplan


The River Parks Interpretation Masterplan will bring together all the elements of the River Parks project, Leven Connectivity Project and other projects happening in the River Parks area, and identify a holistic plan for delivering innovative and accessible interpretation across the suits of River Parks projects. We would like the consultant to be creative in their submissions, but anticipate that the main content of the plan will be: 1.Goals for the interpretation of the River Parks and Leven Connectivity projects; 2.A summary of the River Parks target audiences for interpretation; 3.Analysis of existing interpretation in the area, its condition and appropriateness to River Parks themes and stories identified; 4.Identification of agreed key messages, themes and stories which reflect the uniqueness and special features of the River Parks that the project is seeking to conserve and celebrate; 5.Identification of key features and project sites in the River Parks which would benefit from specific interpretation and suggestions of what those interpretation methods would be; 6.A set of costed methods/tools for interpretation of agreed key messages, themes and stories at selected sites as well as off-site. This should be within the programme’s budget limits, and be accessible to a wide range of target audiences 7.Identification of community groups, individuals and organisations who can deliver or contribute towards the content of specific methods or pieces of Interpretation. 8.A set of maps which identify the locations of exiting interpretation and opportunities for new or upgraded interpretation linked to the River Parks. The Interpretation Master Plan should: -Be a working document that is capable of adaptation and change over time as projects are delivered as new knowledge and stories emerge. -Reflect current partner and community priorities for interpretation. Its preparation should include a high level of consultation with Leven Programme partners, communities and proposed project leads to ensure shared ownership of the result. -Promote the River Parks as an area of distinct character with stories that are unique. -Effectively and meaningfully integrate industrial, cultural and natural heritage; local stories and scientific information; past, present and future conditions within the landscape; -Create space for local communities and partner organisations to shape and tell their own stories about their local heritage. -Set out the most cost-effective way to allocate the River Parks Delivery Phase interpretation budget to achieve our goals. -Take into consideration the types of projects that will be delivered through the project, local circumstances and target audiences, programme and partner capacity to manage and maintain interpretation materials. The Interpretation plan must be developed collaboratively, bringing together the knowledge and ideas that already exist within the partnership, and the outputs of studies and research already carried out by Leven projects and partners. For example, The Leven Masterplan and engagement report, feasibility studies for the River Restoration work, and the Leven Heritage Framework.


Published Date :

23rd May 2023 1 year ago

Deadline :

20th Jun 2023 1 year ago

Contract Start :


Contract End :


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Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

Website :


Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors