Lichfield Dog Show
Background Lichfield District is located in south-east Staffordshire and abuts the West Midlands conurbation. The District has two main settlements, the cathedral City of Lichfield and the town of Burntwood, as well as many villages set within a varied and attractive rural area. The City of Lichfield is an important historic centre, with a major conservation area based around the Cathedral, a medieval street pattern and historic city centre buildings. The Cathedral spires (the 'ladies of the vale'), are visible from many points in the wider rural landscape. Lichfield District is an attractive location for people to live. It has been a significant destination for migrants from the West Midlands conurbation and other nearby towns. Lichfield is well-placed for the new trend of its experience-led offer to attract visitors to the city. The city has a number of leisure and cultural venues and an extensive festival, concerts and events offer to cater for its tourism economy. Beacon Park is set in more than 70 acres of beautiful gardens and open space within easy reach of the city centre. Visitors use the park for a leisurely walk and a range of activities including crazy golf, the children's play area, tennis, basketball, bowls, play disk, foot golf and more. Beacon Park is also steeped in history and heritage, and information boards around the site provide a glimpse into the area's rich historical past. Event Concept Event Concept We wish to develop an event that brings together dog lovers into Beacon Park and district over a weekend in May or September with activities to include: •Competitions •Demonstrations from specialists in pet care / training •Stalls relating to pets and goods •Doggy Picnic •Dog first aid •Celebrity vet talks The event would need to be accessible to all and low cost to offer an attraction for all. We would want to engage with local businesses where possible whilst still creating an event that has kudos to attract visitors from outside of the district whilst offering a fun and exciting day out for residents. This is not a definitive brief and we are looking for a partner to help develop the concept and offering. Financials We are looking for the operator to provide the infrastructure and delivery of the concept and would look to negotiate a profit share agreement. How to register interest If you are interested in applying to operate this project, please email
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CPV Codes
79952000 - Event services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors