Lincolnshire Wellbeing Services
Lincolnshire County Council wishes to commission a countywide Wellbeing Service. The Lincolnshire Wellbeing Service (WBS) will be delivered by a single provider and build upon the strengths of previous iterations of commissioned Wellbeing Services in Lincolnshire, and is informed by legislative requirements, local strategies, best practice guidance and local needs and demand analysis.r r The WBS is aligned to four core aims: r -To promote adults' ability to live fulfilling, active and independent lives;r -Improve or prevent the deterioration of individuals' health, wellbeing, and overall quality of life; r -Enhance independence at home, improve individuals' ability to self-care and access appropriate supporting structures and community resources; r -Reduce or delay escalation to statutory support services. r r The elements in scope of the Wellbeing Service are as follows:r -A Digital Offer; a Universal Offer available to all to access on Lincolnshire County Council's Connect to Support website. r -Assessment; A person-centred and strength-based assessment of all eligible individuals referred into the service. r -Generic Support; Generally, no more than 12 weeks of generic support based on the individual service users' outcomes and needs identified through their assessment, and always fixed term.r -Small Aids and Minor Alterations; Provision and/or installation of items of small aids to support daily living, and completing minor alterations which are supportive to the wellbeing and independence of the service user.r -Telecare Response Service; Provision of a visit to the home of a service user in response to a request from a telecare monitoring provider.  Call out reasons will include non-injury falls and no response from the telecare user when an alarm is triggered.     r r
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CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors