LirIC EPCI HVDC/AC Cables Supply and Install
This planned procurement notice is to give advance information to the market with regards to the upcoming procurement of HVDC and HVAC Cables Supply and Installation for the LirIC HVDC Interconnector between Scotland and Northern Ireland (NI). It is envisaged that this notice will assist potentially interested Cable providers to determine if the planned procurement exercise is something that they wish to bid for and to provide sufficient time for preparation. Short Description – Project TI LirIC Limited is engaged in the development of an up to 700MW High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) electricity interconnector project that will connect the Great Britain (GB) and Irish (I-SEM) transmission networks. This project is called the “LirIC” Project ( The project will link grid connection points in the GB and Northern Irish transmission grids. The LirIC interconnector shall utilise Voltage Source Converter (VSC) technology and the configuration shall be a Symmetrical Monopole. The rated DC voltage shall be +/-320 kV. The link shall be bi-directional and shall have a rated power (receiving end) of 700 MW The main components of the LirIC Project will comprise: •LOT A: •HVDC to HVAC VSC Converter Stations in both Scotland and Northern Ireland with associated civil and building works; and •LOT B: •Up to 2 High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) electricity cables buried in or placed (and protected) upon the seabed between Northern Ireland (Kilroot) and Scotland (Hunterston) to a route length of approx. 140km. •HVDC onshore and offshore cable ‘transition bays’ near the shorelines at the landfall points in both Scotland and Northern Ireland; It is expected that at both landfalls horizontal directional drilling (HDD) will be required to facilitate the export cables transition from onshore to offshore. •HVDC onshore cables from the transition bays to each of the converter stations assumed to be no more than 2km at each site; •High Voltage AC onshore cables from the Scottish converter station to the Scottish grid connection. The AC connection voltage on the GB side of the link is 400 kV and 275 kV at the NI side. (The High Voltage AC onshore cables from the NI converter station to the NI grid connection will be delivered by others.) The Project has recently been awarded an ‘in principle’ cap and floor arrangement in Great Britain by Ofgem and a transmission licence in Northern Ireland. The Project is targeting a Financial Close in Q3 2027. TI LirIC Limited has already conduced Preliminary Market Engagement prior to publication of this notice but encourages further collaboration between OEM’s and Construction Contractors to establish bidding arrangements in time for the Tender Notice. TI LirIC Limited will be utilising an electronic tendering portal (Delta) to manage the forthcoming tender exercise and as such interested organisations will need to register on the portal to access the participation documentation. Respondents wishing to participate are requested to register in Delta eSourcing (via the link Delta Login in advance of the forthcoming UK4 Tender Notice which will have a formal step for participation. To view this notice, please click here:
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors