Listed Places of Worship and Memorial Grants Scheme Administration Service.
Financial transaction processing and clearing-house services. The Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) is looking to engage a supplier to provide a grants administration and payments service in respect of two grants schemes. Essentially the services would entail:Creating visible grant schemes, including setting up websites and documented guidance,checking applications made against criteria specified by the Department,Processing of applications and handling rejected applications,Processing of payments.Processing complaints and appeals.The Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme makes grants towards the VAT incurred in making repairs and carrying out alterations to listed buildings mainly used for public worship. The scheme has an annual budget of GBP 42m. The scheme presently handles around 4000 claims per annum.The Memorials Grant Scheme makes grants towards the VAT incurred by registered charities and faith groups excepted from registering as charities, in the construction, repair and maintenance of public memorial structures. The scheme has an annual budget of GBP 0.5m. The scheme presently handles around 150 claims per annum.Claims for both schemes need to be validated against set criteria and further enquiries may need to be made prior to payment being made. The criteria for the Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme is detailed and a proportion of claims are complex therefore the administration is required to maintain detailed records and develop a good understanding of the rules of the scheme.
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1 Possible Competitors