Literature review of fishing practices which have been adapted in commercial fisheries around the world in order to help mitigate the sector’s contribution to climate change
Aims of the project 11.The main aim of the project is to provide Marine Scotland with timely and robust evidence of approaches that can be used to reduce the impact of the commercial fisheries sector on climate change. 12.The research should aim to respond to the following questions: i.In the past 5 to 10 years, what actions have been taken in Scottish fisheries (include known trials where access to ongoing research can be obtained) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the sector and to mitigate other fisheries associated climate change impacts, and what gaps can be identified, for example are there other actions which could have been taken? ii.In the past 5 to 10 years, what actions to mitigate the contribution to climate change have been taken in the UK and internationally in relation to fisheries which may be relevant to Scotland (predominantly trawl and creel fisheries, focussed on shellfish, whitefish and pelagic species).
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