Literature reviews to support the application of MCDA for evaluating robotic surgery in the NHS
The broad aim of this project will be to promote MCDA (multi-criteria decision analysis) as a framework for conducting economic evaluations of robotic surgery. The HEU, in collaboration with subject matter experts from Lisbon University and Loughborough University, plan to conduct an economic evaluation of a particular application of robotic surgery in the NHS using MCDA. The requirement described in this RFQ will support this study. We plan to publish this study, including outputs from the requirement below. The requirement The Supplier must answer the following questions using literature review techniques. We are looking for the Supplier to describe their suggested methodology in response to this RFQ. Please note that we can provide input from subject matter experts (MCDA) where required. Also, the HEU have assigned two health economists to work on this project who will be available to provide input if required. 1.Highest priority - Which criteria have been suggested for the evaluation of robotic surgery? •This is an empirical question that will inform our selection of criteria for the MCDA study •We would like the Supplier to take a flexible approach if there is not sufficient literature on robotic surgery 2.What are the challenges for evaluating robotic surgery? •This research area will provide motivation for applying MCDA to robotic surgery, and will help us to interpret the criteria identified in question 1 •As this research question has a lower priority than question 1, we anticipate that it could be answered with a more focused review strategy.
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73110000 - Research services
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1 Possible Competitors