Live at Home
The Live at Home Framework will be procured on a lot basis per district. However, each district is then broken down further into: 1) Client Group, 2) Service Type, and 3) Service Type Enhanced. Bidders shall be permitted to bid for 1, all or any number of subgroups in combination or singularly. ECC's Pricing Submission template permits this approach and the bidder's responses are easily allocated using this method. ECC shall produce a Ranked list per District, Client Group, Service Type and Service Type Enhanced, ranking the bidders in descending order based on their overall score. The Ranked list will operate for general home support needs under the Live at Home Framework Model. In order to be admitted to the Ranked List, Providers will be evaluated on a best value basis assessing a Providers pricing and quality submissions. Provider quality will be assessed against set criteria that will ensure quality provision and providers will be required to select a price from pricing matrix developed by ECC. Providers’ scores for quality and price will then be added together to produce an overall score. This overall score will then dictate the provider’s position on the Ranked List. Providers will be ranked on the basis of their overall score in descending order, with the provider achieving the highest score being awarded first place on the relevant Ranked List. The Framework will be reviewed on an annual basis, providers on the Framework will have the opportunity to submit a new price from the price matrix. New entrants will be permitted to bid for inclusion on the Ranked List at annual reviews. The Ranked List will be reviewed on a quarterly basis (for existing Providers), this will be in accordance to KPI’s and monitored by ECC. Providers will be re-ranked based on their KPI’s and Provider Quality Reports received from Provider Inspections and internal Reports. Providers pricing will remain as selected at the Invitation to Tender or previous Ranked List view Review Point. Providers will only be permitted to select a new price at the annual ranked list review points. ECC reserve the rights to: 1. alter the Rank List principles defined with to ensure that Price & quality meet with Corporate, Legislative or ECC Outcomes. 2. Alter the placement process outlined in Schedule 5 during the term of the agreement at an Annual Review Process 3. Run a mini competition with providers on the ranked list where placements have not been secured within the ranked list 4. amend or update the Live at Home Framework Model & any elements in accordance to Market Intelligence, Legislative changes, KPI’s or Organisational Intelligence that result changes necessary to ensure Market stability, ECC Legislative, Statutory duties or affordability within ECC. ECC's not procuring on behalf of other local authorities, however the framework will be made available to Essex CCG's and any Integrated Care Organisation / Accountable Care Organisation in Essex to make referrals.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85300000 - Social work and related services
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
Name :
Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors